Monday, September 22, 2008
My growing family
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My Link List
After living in Libya for twenty-six years you would think my Arabic would be perfect, but it is far, far, far from that. I do get my point ...
In my last post I wrote about how I felt on the first day of my arrival back to Libya after a month's absence. I said it was dirtier and...
My brother passed away suddenly last night. Tragic circumstances mean I'm taking some time away from blogging because my 'real life...
ReplyDeleteTell him there are several ahadith from the Messenger (saas) forbidding the payment for dogs and cats. Thus it is not legal in islam to sell or buy cats and dogs.
hey salam3lykom.... ramadam kareen lil late lol.. better late than never.. havent been on here for a while.. and tonite i have just read all that i have missed.. and wow mashalah u have been busy.. raby ey 3ynik inshallah.. and cutie puppy mabrook.. and one more thing HAPPY ANNIVERSERY! (wrong spelling sorry)... its the 24th here now in the UK.. and in libya too
ReplyDeleteso thought i wud say congrates and well done for doin such a great job.. love ur blog.. keeps libya alive here!
take care and enjoy the rest of ramadan and eid ;)
p.s 3them allah ajerkom for all the deaths :( its sad.. and even sader that ppl have forgotten wat funerals shud be like..:(