Saturday, December 01, 2012
More First Impressions
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Arriving in Libya for the first time...
Monday, November 19, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Tick Tock Says the Clock!
I was so thrilled about the implementation of daylight savings time in Libya. Oh how wonderful to be heading out the door with the sun shining brightly overhead! But the whole concept of daylight savings time has been ruined.....
- Nora came home from university and said the lectures had all been moved back an hour....
- Ibrahim's school announced that they will start an hour earlier...
- Upon arrival at Jenna's school we were told that she was an hour late - they have moved the start of the school day at her high school back an hour too...
Hmmm... you always hear the phrase 'the village idiot'. It's always singular, never plural.... except in Libya - it's definitively plural here.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Setting our clocks back an hour
Friday, November 02, 2012
Who was that woman?
Sunday, October 28, 2012
On My To Do List
I took these a few years ago when I visited the museum with some friends.
Not to be missed: The stuffed deformed animal section! |
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
More Unexploded Ordinance in Libya - Type 314
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C. J. Chivers/The New York Times |
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C. J. Chivers/The New York Times |
It's All in the Intonation
Me: Hey Honey, I'm learning Gaelic online.
Hubby: (looks disinterested) That's nice.
Me: Ciamar a tha sibh?
Hubby: Ooooh Yeah! (looking very interested)
Me: No! That is NOT what that means! It means 'How are you?'.
I think I will skip to the advanced lessons... If Lesson One provoked such interest imagine what the advanced lessons will do!
Thanks Pig Sty Avenue for the link. It's been a good refresher of what beginner students go through.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Libya still finding it's feet, but hey, it's finally autumn!
Friday, October 12, 2012
A Matter of Security
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
As time goes by....
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Life's hectic at the moment
Thursday, September 13, 2012
An emotionally charged day
I'm deeply saddened by the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi that resulted in the death of the American ambassador, and other staff members as well as ten Libyans. My condolances to all their family members and friends. All of Libya is grieving. Dismay just isn't a strong enough word to describe how I felt upon hearing the news.
We spent the day watching the news, keeping up with twitter and facebook, and listening to the sound of drones overhead. In the evening my husband and I took a long walk around the farm, about five kilometres. Drones buzzed above us while in the distance we could hear gunfire from time to time - possibly a wedding?
When we came inside we watched the vote count for the new prime minister. At one point they stopped because someone had put two names on the ballot instead of one. After an argument they started the count over. Exciting to watch, it was a close count! Mustafa Abushagour, Libya's first democratically elected prime minister won by only two votes.
What a day! It was a day full of emotions; dismay, anger, sadness, disbelief, followed by hope for a better future.
we went to bed,
only to toss and turn,
the sound of drones continued
all night long.
Monday, September 10, 2012
I've got a list a mile long of things that need to be done and I'm checking things off the list as I can manage to do things. As usual everything takes a lot more time than I had hoped.
I'm making some progress with my garden and planted lots and lots of flower seeds that I brought back with me from home. Now I just have to be patient while they decide to germinate and grow. I also brought home magnolia seeds... I've never had any luck with them in the past and so I'm trying once again. I spoke to a horticulturist when I was home that told me that magnolias are extremely difficult to grow from seed and I should just buy a tree... unfortunately, I couldn't find one that would fit in a suitcase (I really tried!). A dream of mine is to have a magnolia tree in my garden - maybe my dream will come true. At any rate, gardening has been helping me with the re-entry depression... gardening = solace.
There is some hope that my house will finally be painted. We want what Libyans call graffit, which is kind of a texturized stucco. We've taken a sample of the colours we want to the painters and so far they haven't managed to match the colours... apparently no one has ever asked for the colours we want (no surprise!) and they are finding it difficult to mix the right hue. If and when they do, the painting will get underway.
School is supposed to start soon... some say it will begin on the fifteenth. The shops are bringing out school uniforms and school supplies. Summer will really be over soon! And life will fall into a routine... I hope.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
I'm back
Trying to get things done, but as usual I'm getting the Libyan 'a bit later' or 'come back tomorrow' or 'it's not ready' or 'the person you need to see is not here' .... mazel, bukra, mish watiah, manash....
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Eid al-Fitr 2012
Ramadan ends today. I was blessed to be able to spend it this year with my oldest son and my family in Florida. The month flew by for me and it wasn't very difficult with the exception of being thirsty, but I know that it was extremely difficult for all in Libya as they suffered with high temperatures and constant cuts in electricity. May God except our fasts and reward us.
I wonder what next Ramadan will be like? Where I will be? What will be happening in the world?
For all who celebrate, I wish you a safe, peaceful and blessed Eid! .... Eid mubarak!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Looking Forward
I'm wrapping things up and planning my trip back to Libya. Packing up and doing last minute things. Ramadan is almost over. I've enjoyed spending it with my son and also sharing iftar (fast breaking meals) with family and friends. Next week my mother will be celebrating her 77th birthday, so that's something to plan for and look forward to.
What do I have to look forward to in Libya? They've been having rolling blackouts throughout the country - and this being the hottest part of the year with temperatures over a hundred degrees F most of the time. My family tell me the power is out a few hours every day and it is expected to get worse, not better.
I've been told that there are a few casualties in my garden. And the kids will be getting ready to begin a new school year. I'll have plenty to keep me busy.... but not until I get over jet lag... I am not looking forward to that!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Getting into Ramadan
My son Adam had especially requested that I spend Ramadan with him in the United States this year. For the past few years he's been fasting alone. With his work and study schedule it's difficult for him to participate in local activities in the area's mosques. He's got to be at work by 5:30 in the morning, so there are no late nights for him. We've been breaking our fast with my family and friends, who incidentally aren't Muslim, and I think they're enjoying the food.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
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Gatorade is my new best friend! |
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
A week's worth
While we were out and about one day we noticed a huge nest on a light pole at the corner of a busy intersection. We could see a pair of raptors. I don't know exactly what they are, maybe Birding Rob can identify them?
Here's a close up with the zoom... I need to upgrade to a better camera!
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Jeremiah contemplating whether his mother would allow him to jump in the pond or not. |
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An oak tree as we zoom past on the train going 5 miles per hour. |
That was my week....
Sunday, July 08, 2012
Voting was easy for most people
My anal retentive hubby took FOREVER at the polling station.... he had to make sure the ink on his finger was perfect. :-O
Congratulations Libya!!!
Monday, July 02, 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Weathered the storm and had a wedding
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the vows... at sunset |
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I think this one's called the Dodo bird... |
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
An update on beach safety in Libya
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image from |
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image from |
Friday, June 08, 2012
Chilling Out
I've been watching Libya's news. How disappointing to see that some idiots from Tarhouna surrounded the airport a few days after I left. I got out of there in time! The situation is back under control but British Airways has stopped all their flights - so now I am stuck here which I'm looking at as good news for me. And then there are the idiots that thought it would be a good idea to bomb the US Consulate in Benghazi. These are probably the same retards that are complaining that they're unemployed because the foreign companies aren't returning. I wonder if Libya will hold elections as planned. I read somewhere that they'll be postponed for a few weeks. I'm so happy that I'm watching all this from afar. Well, actually none of this is on American TV... the news services here couldn't care less!
Friday, June 01, 2012
Adjusting to civilization
I ate real ice-cream, and graham crackers, and I drank real milk. Oh my God... real milk! How on earth did I ever drink that stuff they have in Libya? I'll need to figure out the remote control. My mom's cat isn't sure what to think of me. He sits outside on the ledge of the kitchen window looking in at me... who is this woman?
Hurricane season began today. It's raining outside.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Halfway there
I left Tripoli yesterday. My flight was an hour late and there was a huge argument going on in the departure lounge. I flew to Tunis on a flight that had lots of sick old people going for medical treatment. The old lady sitting next to me spent the entire flight burping and belching. She never puked but she certainly made me feel queezy.. ugghh...
The flight from Tunis to London was fantastic. The seat next to me was empty and the man on the aisle seat didn't belch, burp or fart even once!
Today I'm on the last leg of my journey. If all goes well I'll make it home in time to spend time with my mom before she goes in hospital for surgery tomorrow.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Some Future Plans
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but follow the guidelines... or get your own blog! |
.... quite honestly, I don't care! Let the whole place fall down around your ears while I'm gone. Honey, I held your hand all through the war, now it's time to let go for a couple of months. I need a break... before I have a breakdown! I don't need to recharge my batteries; I need a completely new set of them.
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Mom's house |
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The beach five minutes from my mom's house. |
Saturday, May 12, 2012
A Poem... for Libya
I find it especially moving - she had written the poem during the first week and a half of the uprising. There is so much hope in the words, a hope for freedom and democracy for Libya. I hope that those Libyans who read the poem will remember to register to vote - it's so very, very important.
The poem has no title...
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Monday, May 07, 2012
A Basic Human Right
I'm a disgruntled LTT customer. Their service is horrible and I am fed up to here and then some. Because of where I live I am stuck with having only Wimax available... which is pretty sad considering I'm only about a 20 minute drive to the centre of Tripoli, and just five minutes away from the university. Who is to blame? Those who ran things in the past, or the present?
I haven't had internet service for the past four days. Sometimes the little icon indicator says there is service (when there really isn't), but mostly the little icon shows up with a yellow triangle with an exclamation point inside it. I've paid 30 dinars for NOTHING!
What pisses me off is that sometimes the internet service works... and I can happily get on with Skyping my family and friends, checking my email and reading the news. But then all of a sudden there is no service what-so-ever... nothing.. nada.. Now NO SERVICE is lasting for days on end. I feel cheated and frustrated, especially as one of the things I want to use the internet for is to look for airline tickets (so I can get out of here for a much needed break!).
I've tried calling the company... the phone rings and then switches over to a busy signal. I've tried the operator on the company's 116 service - the phone just disconnects. There is no way to reach them other then to take time off to go to the company. The last time I went they had a big beefy goon standing in front of the door, preventing anyone from going in. He was rude, and refferred to me as 'Ya Mama' to which I told him there was no way on earth (or this universe) that I was his 'mama' (or even his aunt).
Guess what LTT? Internet service is considdered a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT! And the last time I looked in the mirror I looked human...... an angry, fed up human, but definitely human..... sigh...
See you tomorrow LTT. Bright and early.
(This was sent using Almadar's crappy, intermittent, and extremely slow internet service)
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
It's time
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Some pictures to share
Below is the central courtyard. Notice the symbols to ward off the evil eye!
One of the doorways. The house is in it's original form. The family are very proud of this house and keep up with the maintenance.
This is the main entrance of the house. The walls throughout the house are over a foot thick. The ceilings are made of wood. The rooms have built-in storage and raised areas for sleeping.
There were quite a few pictures on the camera that were taken around different areas of the city centre and the Medina. It looks quite festive with the flags.
This fountain is in Martyr's Square. It was built during the Italian occupation. I should have straightened it out, it's slightly tilted... never-mind...
Some poor guy parked his truck, thinking it was safe... only to return and find that it was being swallowed up by a sinkhole.

My Link List
After living in Libya for twenty-six years you would think my Arabic would be perfect, but it is far, far, far from that. I do get my point ...
In my last post I wrote about how I felt on the first day of my arrival back to Libya after a month's absence. I said it was dirtier and...
My brother passed away suddenly last night. Tragic circumstances mean I'm taking some time away from blogging because my 'real life...