Tuesday, June 07, 2005
We found some tile we liked in an expensive shop - they had it matched with a very light coloured floor tile - I liked the tiles except for the floor tile. Six kids traipsing through the bathroom with light coloured floor tile is not my idea of a good idea. I could just imagine myself mopping the footprints up every twenty seconds. So we went to a cheaper shop and found some floor tile that would not show any dirty foot prints. We got a sample of it and took it back to the expensive shop and checked it out to see how it would look with the more expensive wall tiles. Viola! It looked wonderful - but the salesman looked rather pale. He said ' You're not going to ruin the look by using that on the floor are you?' I replied 'The bathroom would look like a pigstye if we used the floor tiles you are suggesting. Listen Mister six kids and that tile are no match.'
The set of tiles had these very nifty looking matching accent peices. Little borders and that kind of thing. When we asked for the prices it turns out that the little border bits are very pricey! The trims would cost a small fortune - but we have an idea. The tile installer says he can make anything and cut tiles to any shape we like. So we are going to make our own borders. Mix and match. It took us hours of shopping around and decision making. Tomorrow Mustafa will pick up the tiles and the tile installer will start on the bathrooms soon.
After the tile search we popped in at my mother-in-laws. The sister-in-laws were all sitting around having their daily gossip and argument. I said hello and sat down to listen - I have learned that entering into their conversations is just self inflicting punishment on myself. After awhile I got sick of their senseless babble and went to find my husband to see if we could go home. I had a head ache. It was either caused by the tile search or the sister-in-laws - I think the latter.
Back to work tomorrow! A lot was accomplished today. It was nice to have a day off work for a change.
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congrats....I remember when we were building our home .......things were so expense then triple the prices of now back in the 90s at least now you have more choice and can mix and match :)
ReplyDeleteI am definitely enjoying the fact that now there is a wide variety of building supplies and decorating materials. Now the problem is not getting confused by all this. Did you know that there is an entire line of leather-look ceramic tile out there? Snake skin, crocodile skin, ostrich skin - very nifty looking - but sigh . . . does not go with my decor at all.
ReplyDeletereally ..that's cool.. unfortanetely ours is basic white...easier to replace in those days ...