Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Yusef!

It's hard to believe that Yusef is already sixteen. It seems like only yesterday that he was born. I almost lost him that day, but that's another story.

Happy Birthday Yusef! 


  1. Congrats to Mom for getting him this far! And I hope Yusef had a happy day and will enjoy many more.

  2. Happy birthday to him and may god bless you both.

  3. Thanks, Thanks and Thanks!

    I'd promised Yusef that we'd go out for a day together and have lunch someplace nice. We just got rid of the cousins yesterday - so hopefully we'll get our day together tomorrow. I can't wait! Will be so nice to have a young handsome man to parade around town with. :)

  4. teri hope u had a gr8 day with such a handsome son.Mashallah u have an adorable family

  5. Hi Aunt Khadija, Happy new year and all the best for the rest of it

    More tea :))))))


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