Monday, December 17, 2007

More on my virtual world

Since my last post I've been busy figuring out Second Life and the virtual Hajj. I had to cover my exposed navel or risk getting possibly thrown out. A nice 'sister' pointed me in the direction of some green duffel bags that had all the gear in them you needed for a virtual Hajj. I had to get rid of the sword that I was walking around with too. I donned my hijab and went in to see what it was all about.

It's actually pretty interesting. All along the way there are information booths that tell you what you are supposed to be doing and you can interact with all the people there. Many are new and have never been to Hajj and others have been many times and are helpful. One 'sister' there said she had done 22 virtual umrahs... lol...

The virtual Hajj is virtually empty! No crowds like in the real one.


  1. amazing, my allah bless you bro - hope more people will visit it

  2. It is a really great blog I cannot imagine a Hajj on second life.
    Mine is

  3. Eid Mubarak to you and your family :)
    عيد سعيد

  4. Well , It appears to be much cheaper than in the real world , and no monopoly by the ones that go over and over taking the space that others that have never been able to go, could have IF ONLY they got the chance, or the lottery allowed .

  5. Oh now you are " APPROVING" your comments? WOW ! That's new !Thought you disapproved of Censorship.


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