Saturday, September 09, 2006
a family outing
I expected it to be boring (and it was) and brought along some exam papers that I needed to mark. I quietly marked papers while listening to the ladies gossip and chat, the kids ran around or watched cartoons that were blasting away on the television and it seemed as though there were at least a half dozen babies that were all taking turns screaming. Typical chaos.
Lunch was traditional Libyan cous cous, salad and fruit. And there was lots of tea served, of course.
About five o'clock, I had had enough and sent Jenna to tell her father it was time to go. He wanted to stay longer (!) but I reminded him it was going to take an hour to get home. So after the lengthy process of saying goodbye we headed for home.
It was road rage all the way home. A few times I think I saw my life flash before my eyes, (twice I let out a scream - the kids thought it was funny!) but we survived the journey. Next time I am going to insist on driving myself. . . that man I'm married to is a menace behind the wheel, not to mention we have differing opinions about what music to listen to.
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After living in Libya for twenty-six years you would think my Arabic would be perfect, but it is far, far, far from that. I do get my point ...
In my last post I wrote about how I felt on the first day of my arrival back to Libya after a month's absence. I said it was dirtier and...
My brother passed away suddenly last night. Tragic circumstances mean I'm taking some time away from blogging because my 'real life...
assalaamu alaykum,
ReplyDeletedo you happen to know what happened to old momma (of trip of a lifetime)? she stopped blogging at a rather critical time...
It sounds like family events are the same no matter what part of the world you live.
ReplyDeleteDinner sound Mmm good!
Zaynab - last I heard her son had uused up all the internet time... no news since then. She's got my email addy and phone number and no news...
I love your story telling events. I feel your fear being in the passenger seat, especially there in Libya. Glad you made it home safe; and, had homework papers to grade, ha!!
ReplyDeleteAll, the "joy" of driving with Arabs. And the sad thing is they ALL think they are the best.
ReplyDeleteI give my wife a hard time about this. I tell her we are going to get pulled over and the police are going to give us a ticket for DWA. You know, "Driving Whilst Arab".