Thursday, May 04, 2006
Can you Hokey Pokey?
My sister in law had a baby boy. Actually she had the baby about two weeks ago but I wasn't able to visit her in the hospital as the visiting hours happened to be during my work hours. I sent a message saying I would wait for her to get home. The family is used to me doing that so it wasn't a big scandal.
My sister in law lives clear on the other side of town and with traffic it takes a while to get there but I put it on my schedule and off we went only to arrive and find her gone. Apparently she'd gone to the doctor for a check up so I was stuck having to shuffle things around and add her into my schedule for another day. It took two trips but finally I got to see her, and the baby is adorable. She named him Ennis (or maybe it's spelled Anis.)
The rest of the week has been spent trying to get the kids to study for their upcoming exams. Finals begin on Saturday. Some of the kids will be finished in a week and some in two weeks. I can't believe it's already the end of the school year. They've decided to have the exams a little early this year so that they will be finished before the World Cup begins - got to get their priorities right I guess.
The last time the World Cup was held I spent the entire month in Tunisia having a nice holiday. My sister Kristen and my mother came for a few weeks too. It was wonderful - but I'll be here while the matches are in progress this time. I hate football (soccer)!
This week I've also been busy getting ready for my friend Alea's annual 21st birthday party. We have the party every year at our school and it's a big event. Last year we had a band and hope to have it again this year too. We also have games of course, and lot's of songs. We get all the students to bring food. It takes alot of effort to plan it all because we want to make it fun, memorable, and most of all, organized!
To get the students ready for the party I've been teaching every class how to do the Hokey Pokey so we can all Hokey Pokey at the party. You remember the song, don't you?
'You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out, you put your right foot in and you shake it all about. . . . '
I've Hokeyed and Pokeyed so much this week that I now sport an hour-glass figure! - hahaha! I wish!
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In my last post I wrote about how I felt on the first day of my arrival back to Libya after a month's absence. I said it was dirtier and...
After living in Libya for twenty-six years you would think my Arabic would be perfect, but it is far, far, far from that. I do get my point ...
Hello everyone. I am alive and well and still here in Libya. We are relatively safe for the moment. There hasn't been internet for over...
i can sooo hokey pokey :)
ReplyDeleteI was stuck in traffic the other day in my way to work, thinking of all the diferrent things I need to do to prepare for my very "opinionated" American wife's first trip to Libya, a funky looking beat-up car pulled infront of me with this bumper sticker:What if the hokey pokey IS what is all about!!!
ReplyDeleteI haven't laughrd so hard in a long time.
Thanks for your honest and refreshing posts.
you're welcome!