Friday, November 13, 2009

The morning sun

Ibrahim running around in his Spiderman costume in the morning. That boy loves Spiderman!


  1. salam

    God bless him. he is cute kid...

    All kids love spider man and ware that suite...

    But I felt so cold seeing him bare foot like that …. Ohm. Its cold in the morning..
    But I guess that spider man suite is giving him extra powers  I know how much they love that and the cant wait to get rid of their shoes

    may god bless him

    thank you


  2. Bumedian... thanks. It was nice and warm outside yesterday morning. The sun was really bright and the air was fresh. :)

  3. gosh what a trooper he is. And obviously he's growing up way too soon. Do I need to send him any spider man "stuff" when my nephew comes back? Looks like his foot is too big for the light-up spiderman tennis shoes. LOL sure Sandi


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