Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Oh so tired

I can hardly believe that the week is halfway over. I've been running non-stop. I was so tired last night that I nearly burnt dinner. I came home and quickly changed clothes and then went into the kitchen to throw something together for dinner. I got it all started and then sat down and immediatly fell asleep. After a while hubby came to wake me up telling me that dinner was burning. He ended up rescuing it because I was too tired to finish cooking. I fell fast asleep and didn't wake up again until six o'clock this morning. phew.... it's a good thing I don't live alone or I would have burnt the house down. Posted from moBlog – mobile blogging tool for Windows Mobile


  1. nice 'dog' u got there!

  2. "Hubby" is very useful after all! However, if you'd been living alone, you probably would have gone straight to bed and not started cooking in the first place. Since you were complaining about Libyan food a few days ago (and I agree: it isn't exciting), can you explain why Libya doesn't have those nice tajines and other tasty dishes like Tunisia and Morocco?


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