Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Ibrahim - an update
First of all he is still active, but not wild like before. He will listen and he will sit down when you tell him to. Mostly he isn't aggressive like he was before. No more beating up on anyone and he hasn't attacked the cats since he started taking his medicine either. He's had only one temper tantrum (when he wanted to go out shopping with his sisters and I told him he could not) and that lasted about 30 seconds so that was pretty normal I think. He is actually sitting down and finishing his homework! And I've noticed that he actually has started to go to sleep at night like a normal kid! Before he would run and run and run until he just dropped. There was no way to settle him down and get him in bed and read him a bedtime story. Now we can do that! Truly amazing!
He still gets into things but you tell him to stop and he does. Not like before, he was so distructive. I left the bottle of shampoo down in the bathroom and he didn't even touch it! And he hasn't touched fire. I feel like a miracle has happened!
Today Mustafa went to the school to see how he is doing and the teacher said she was so surprised at the change in Ibrahim. He sits in the chair like he is supposed to and he does what he is told. He isn't disrupting the class and he is actually getting things done.
To say we are thrilled is an understatement!
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In my last post I wrote about how I felt on the first day of my arrival back to Libya after a month's absence. I said it was dirtier and...
After living in Libya for twenty-six years you would think my Arabic would be perfect, but it is far, far, far from that. I do get my point ...
Hello everyone. I am alive and well and still here in Libya. We are relatively safe for the moment. There hasn't been internet for over...
Mabrouk ! I guess the diagnosis was correct then .
ReplyDeleteThat must be a total relief for him as well. Not being able to control your own behavior has to be difficult especially at that age.