Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Adam and Nora's exam results are in.
Nora failed math. She knew she was going to and has been studying while she waited for her exam results. She came straight home from checking on her results and opened her books again. Because she has been realistic about this I have told her she can take the resit exam to see if she can pass. Of course Sara had a fit because I won't let her take resit exams. She hasn't put in any effort to study since she found out she failed, so I told her the rule will stand - no resits for Sara.
I'm not sure when the second exams will be. In the mean time Nora is stuck at home with her books. And I imagine that she will use this as an excuse not to do anything at all around the house.
Other news - Mustafa found some very nice marble for the kitchen and has also found some interesting light fixtures he wants me to have a look at. I feel like we are finally getting somewhere!
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In my last post I wrote about how I felt on the first day of my arrival back to Libya after a month's absence. I said it was dirtier and...
After living in Libya for twenty-six years you would think my Arabic would be perfect, but it is far, far, far from that. I do get my point ...
Hello everyone. I am alive and well and still here in Libya. We are relatively safe for the moment. There hasn't been internet for over...
Congratulations to those who passed ! When is the thaltah i3dadi result out ? I have a cousing i need to congratulate inshallah.
ReplyDeleteNot sure when the exam results will be out. . . .
ReplyDeleteYep, the kids speak Arabic - consider it their first language
amelia failed math last year... we wanted her to do summer school, but she chose to redo the whole course this year (grade 10)... hopefully she will pass this time... exams started this week.