Monday, August 31, 2009
September 1st
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Shopping adventures
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Too hot to shop!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Day Three
Everything gets turned upside down during Ramadan. Tonight I had a dentist appointment at midnight, but as I was getting ready to go, the dentist's office called to reschedule my appointment until mid September. Dentists don't like to work during Ramadan during the day because people think having dental work done will break their fast. Most dentists work at night during Ramadan. I'm not sure what's up with my dentist. I was looking forward to getting my dental work done. I'll have to wait now.
My PC has been giving me grief. Coming up with errors… RAM parity, checksum… sigh… The advice I got was to get a new PC because mine is about 8 years old. But I like my PC. We’ve been through lots of stuff together. I like it better than my old laptop and my new netbook. I don’t want a new one. And besides, money these days is going to the furnishing of my house. I opened up the case and cleaned away some of the dust bunnies. Then I went to the shop and bought new RAM and came home and installed it. There are still errors but it’s running. I will manage to squeeze the life out of it a bit more.
We're still looking for furniture. We need a dining room set and a kitchen table. In the meantime we are using two white plastic tables. They will do the job until I find what I want. I need two coffee tables and a china cabinet. Most importantly I need a bedroom set. So the hunt continues. While everyone in Libya is busy foraging for the perfect Ramadan breakfast food I am looking at furniture. At least the furniture shops aren't crowded.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Ramadan Mubarak
The month of Ramadan has arrived. I've been so busy getting things done in the house that I didn't do any Ramadan shopping until the night before. And that was only to buy some meat and chick peas for the dreadful Libyan soup. We aren't completely moved into the new house - we're using both places. But I hope to cook mostly at the house so that we can make full use of the grill outside and break our fast in the garden instead of inside if the weather is kind enough. And grilled food is easy and something the boys can do to keep them busy right before sunset.
The weather has been hot and humid as usual for this time of year. It makes fasting difficult, but as long as you stay in air conditioning for most of the time it's not going to be too bad. Ramadan Kareem!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Last weekend
Monday, August 03, 2009
The worst pain is toothache
My Link List
After living in Libya for twenty-six years you would think my Arabic would be perfect, but it is far, far, far from that. I do get my point ...
In my last post I wrote about how I felt on the first day of my arrival back to Libya after a month's absence. I said it was dirtier and...
Well, I finally got my invitation to Aisha Kadafy’s wedding. It was a long time coming. You’re probably wondering what on earth this is a...