Friday, July 28, 2006
More medical stuff happening
He was told to come to the hospital at 9pm. In the morning he got up and packed his stuff in a plastic bag. I offered him a small overnight bag but he said 'No way!' and insisted that he just bring his stuff in a plastic bag. 'Ok, it's your stuff.' I told him. He took his bag and went to spend the day at his grandmother's house. He told me, 'I will get myself to the hospital. Don't come to take me.'
Despite his wishes, I went to my mother in law's house in the evening to accompany him to the hospital. He didn't want me to take him, but I insisted he get in the car. I have been blessed with the most stuborn son! I stopped at a fast food place and told him to get us a couple of sandwiches and something to drink - maybe spending a bit of time together would calm him down and settle his nerves.
Then I stopped at a pharmacy and got him some nice strong painkillers. Having had lots of experience with hospitals and medical care here in Libya, I know the value of bringing your own analgesics! I told him to put them in his bag and if the doctors and nurses weren't giving him anything for pain to take it himself.
I can not for the life of me understand why Libyan doctors don't give their patients painkillers. I had a ceserean section when Ibrahim was born and they gave me absolutely NO painkillers - it felt like I had a f-ing blow torch going off in my abdomen! They kept telling me 'Sabr mama, sabr.' (patience mama, patience.) I have learned my lesson and make sure to bring my own!
We got to the parking lot of the hospital and Adam said I was not allowed to come with him inside. He told me not to visit him either - but I know he didn't really mean it because he made sure I knew what building and floor he would be on. 'OK.' I said, 'And hey! Don't forget what they say - Fi subha fi tubbi wa ashia ma Rabbi!' (In the morning at Tripoli Medical Centre and in the evening with the Lord) - I drove off, leaving him in the parking lot.
He'll be fine handling things on his own, but I'll be at the hospital first thing in the morning to check up on him.
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Good luck Adam and... sabr, mama, sabr!
Salam and speedy recovery to your son!
ReplyDeleteWhen they took my 4 molars my friends made me a necklace out of them. That was a nice halloween trick every year!